我司生产的保温板(XPS)取名挤塑保温板是经过特殊工艺连续挤出发泡成型的板材,其表面形成的硬膜均匀平整,在浸水条件下,仍能完整保持其保温性能和抗压强度,是当今建筑业屋顶、屋面、墙体、地下、冷库、高速公路等工程物美价廉的新型施工材料之一卓越持久的保温性能: XPS挤塑保温板极低的导热性,极低的吸水率和绝好的抗压强度,从而造就了它良好的保温性能。所有它普遍适用于公寓、写字楼、厂房等建筑物的隔热保温,可以减少空调的使用率,降低自然资源的消耗,并增加居室的舒适感。
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Notice: The content of the above works (including video, pictures or audio) is uploaded and published by GuTon's enterprise users, and this platform only provides information storage space services.
Notice: The content of the above works (including video, pictures or audio) is uploaded and published by GuTon's enterprise users, and this platform only provides information storage space services.